This invitation to tender request for the acquisition of services aimed at collecting data and information that will enhance understanding by Cedefop and the wider research/policy community of the incidence of different types and forms of learning in work (LiW) settings, the factors, contextual conditions and individual characteristics driving such learning and the direct and wider benefits of work-related learning.

The call is divided into the following two (2) Lots:

Lot 1: Laying the groundwork for a quantitative learning in work survey among adults and the preparation and implementation of a mixed-methods case study research on learning in work in enterprises

Lot 2: Provision of socio-economic online panels for testing and piloting the quantitative Learning in Work (LiW) survey and the mainstage fieldwork of the LiW survey

This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2021/S 156-410636 of 13/08/2021.

The procurement documents are available via the TED e-Tendering platform:

Tenders must be submitted exclusively via the electronic submission system (e-Submission) available from the above link to the e-Tendering platform by: 27/09/2021 (15h59 Greek local time i.e. UTC+03:00).

Requests for additional information/clarification should be received by 17/09/2021, 23h59 (UTC+03:00 Greek local time).  All questions and answers will be available in the above mentioned website.


Tenders must be submitted exclusively via the electronic submission system (e-Submission) available from the above link to the e-Tendering platform by: 01/10/2021 (15h59 Greek local time i.e. UTC+03:00).

Requests for additional information/clarification should be received by 22/09/2021, 23h59 (UTC+03:00 Greek local time).  All questions and answers will be available in the above mentioned website.

Information about the public opening of tenders: With reference to the COVID-19 outbreak and the public health medical emergency as well as Cedefop’s decision to keep access to its premises restricted, we kindly inform that the public opening of tenders will take place virtually. Tenderers that express their interest to participate in the virtual opening will receive an invitation and further instructions.

Tenderers that will not be present at the virtual opening session but wish to be provided with the information announced during the public opening may send their request to   .

Call details

Procurement type
Call for tenders
Official Publication Date
Closing date
Extended closing date


Contract Award Notice

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