Cedefop’s second apprenticeship conference, on 9 and 10 November in Thessaloniki, is addressed to a wide range of stakeholders with a role in supporting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in increasing their offer on apprenticeships.

The conference is a learning experience. Participants will learn from:

  • success stories: how SMEs take the lead and set apprenticeship programmes – the conference special guest, Jason Holt, is a leading SME employer that set up the UK’s sole provider of government-accredited training to the wider jewellery sector;
  • national practices put in place by industry, social partners, public authorities, and other bodies that have a role in supporting SMEs;
  • messages brought forward by the employers’ representatives at European and national levels.

The conference is an opportunity for participants to identify ideas that may be turned into cross-country partnerships, and find partners.

It is also an opportunity for participants to understand how they may finance their ideas and turn them into reality. The following funding opportunities will be presented:

  • an Erasmus+ call for proposals, which aims at supporting SMEs engaging in apprenticeships;
  • ESF (to continue/further develop their projects in supporting SMEs to provide training, including apprenticeship placements; also possibilities for the SMEs themselves to access ESF to provide training, including apprenticeship placements);
  • European Investment Bank.

Event details

Event Date(s)
09/11/2015 - 10/11/2015
Event Type
Open event
Cedefop involvement

Materiały do pobrania

Outcomes of Cedefop’s 2nd European Apprenticeship Conference: Engaging SMEs in Apprenticeships


Using apprenticeships and work placements to support faster labour market integration of adult asylum seekers and refugees



Ramona David