This section proposes a selection of inspiring examples, including:

These examples were selected as part of the Cedefop study ‘Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training (VET) centre stage’. Would you like to know more about the methodology used to select the examples and the countries covered? Go to About >

EU Member States
Education level and sector
Level of implementation / Scope
Stage of implementation
Displaying results 17 - 32 out of 296
  • Pubblicazioni
    With support from: EfVET Members, Jussi Kajander, Luís Costa, Paolo Nardi, Valentina Chanina and Wolfgang Stutzmann

    According to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) Terminology of European education and training policy (2023), Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an instructional model with well-defined learning objectives.

  • Pubblicazioni
    Catalogue of inspiring practices on inclusive mobilities

    In order to understand the reason why we decided to collect those mobility experiences among learners with disabilities into a catalogue and how the inspiring practices selected are relevant to the Make It Happen (MIH) project, let us now clarify the aim of this work.

    In this catalogue we have identified 10 inspiring practices in line with the MIH project's aims and in some way relevant to the MIH partners.

  • Pubblicazioni
    Petr Novotný, Martin Majcík, Katarína Rozvadská, Tereza Vengřinová, Miroslava Dvořáková

    The “Life Pathways of Unsuccessful Graduates” research project was a response to a call within the Innovations in Pedagogy framework that was introduced by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. The call highlighted the lack of knowledge about students who fail the Matura examination and their subsequent lives.

  • Good practice
    Digital Inclusive Trainers for Accessible Education

    The project intends to define a teaching paradigm for inclusive digital trainers in vocational education and training (VET), transferring to participants innovative teaching approaches, engagement strategies and user-friendly tools for the development of learner-centred inclusive digital training. Inclusive and accessible VET programmes can help people with sensory disabilities, increasing their participation in the labour market; at the same time, they can improve the skills of professional trainers and expand their job opportunities.

  • Pubblicazioni
    European Education Area Strategic Framework - Working Group on Schools, sub-group Pathways to School Success

    The report provides guidance on how to improve and make classroom-based assessment more inclusive and better integrated. It is one of the key outcomes of the European Education Area Working Group on Schools.

  • Pubblicazioni
    Cedefop Briefing note

    Cedefop, together with its CareersNet partners in EU Member States and beyond, has collected examples of lifelong guidance policies and practices that support the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. This briefing note showcases some of these initiatives in EU Member States and beyond, and presents policy pointers for further action.

  • Pubblicazioni
    UNICEF Series on Education Participation and Dropout Prevention - Volume 2

    UNICEF helps countries and education professionals improve their strategies to prevent school dropout. Building on the Education Participation Series, this brief on Early Warning Systems for students at risk of dropping out aims to guide education decision-makers and schools on dropout prevention.

  • Good practice
    Liceo del Lavoro

    The work-based learning programme for dropouts is an inclusive excellence model for reducing early school leaving. This model fosters the recovery of young dropouts by promoting their integral human development. It requires: 

    1. a strongly work-based-oriented learning method; 
    2. coaching aiming at a supported transition to work; 
    3. social-emotional learning through a tutoring service.
  • Good practice
    Smart Training Education Platform

    Based on DigComp 2.0 methodology, the STEP 3 online course consists of key components of digital competence within five areas - including: 1) information and data literacy, 2) communication and collaboration, 3) digital content creation, 4) safety, and 5) problem solving. It offers a wide range of resources that are accessible to everyone and can be used to develop digital skills. The platform is a valuable resource for both teachers and learners, offering a variety of useful e-tools and applications in the format of video instruction.

  • Tools
    A catalogue on non-formal education methods

    Educ’Action: Education in Action! 
    A catalogue of 40 non-formal education techniques that can be used by teachers in classes. The catalogue presents the activities, indicating the objectives, the duration and number of participants, the materials to be used, the results to be obtained and the methods of evaluation.

  • Good practice
    Smooth Hybrid and Online Working for VET

    SHOW-VET aims to provide VET for all people smoothly and ecologically regardless of their residency or challenging life situation.

  • Pubblicazioni
    European Commission

    In 2021, education ministers in the EU adopted a Council Recommendation on blended learning approaches for high-quality and inclusive primary and secondary education, supported by a handbook. ‘Blended learning’ in formal education and training can be a blend of: school site and other physical learning environments (companies, training centres, distance learning, outdoor, cultural sites, etc.) or blending different digital and non-digital learning tools. 

  • Pubblicazioni
    Maximilian Krötz and Viola Deutscher

    Despite high drop-out rates from vocational education and training (VET) throughout most countries and a long research tradition on potential drop-out reasons, little is known about the effects exerted on drop-out intentions by the quality of training. Furthermore, only rarely do scholars distinguish between different drop-out directions, and systematic insights on possibly differing causes are scarce.

  • Pubblicazioni
    Svenja Böhn and Viola Deutscher, University of Mannheim, Germany

    Internationally, vocational education and training (VET) faces some major challenges, one of them certainly constituting the number of premature terminations of contract. A large part of former research within this context has concentrated on the identification and analysis of dropout reasons from the apprentice’s point of view.

  • Pubblicazioni
    Gelly Aroni, Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis, Iro Potamousi, Angelos Vallianatos

    The handbook “31 Basic Activities” is a resource for all who work in the field of inclusion. It addresses the challenges of receiving students with refugee background in schools, and is developed for educators and professionals in the field.

  • Good practice
    Σχολεία για όλους – Συμπερίληψη Παιδιών Προσφύγων στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία

    Schools for All project aims to strengthen the democratic and inclusive culture in schools, targeting schools with reception classes. It offers training and support to the school community (heads, teachers, parents, students) on issues related to democratic citizenship, inclusion and human rights.

Displaying results 17 - 32 out of 296