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This Cedefop study focuses on the contribution that vocational education and training (VET) can make to reducing early leaving from education and training (ELET).

Published in two volumes, the first is dedicated to understanding better the learning pathways of young students, providing measurements of early leaving in VET, and understanding the role of VET in breaking the vicious cycle of early leaving and unemployment. This second volume reviews VET-related measures to tackle ELET, either by preventing learners dropping out and/or by bringing those who have already left back to education and training. This volume identifies and discusses the key features of successful policies and practices, plus the conditions necessary to evaluate and upscale successful regional and local practices to national strategies.

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Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training centre stage

EN 3.24 MB

Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training centre stage

EN 3.79 MB

Executive summary

EN 442.96 KB

Chapter 1. Introduction

EN 135.62 KB

Chapter 2. Research scope and methodology

EN 106.37 KB

Chapter 3. VET policies to address early leaving

EN 624.69 KB

Chapter 4. Key features of effective policies

EN 619.32 KB

Chapter 5. Policy impact: evaluating VET measures

EN 1.26 MB

Chapter 6. Conclusions and policy messages

EN 139.64 KB


EN 187.38 KB

Annex_Reviewed evaluations and main results

EN 235.56 KB