The challenges of greening the economy and the implications for employment and skills vary across regions and local areas, depending on their economic and industrial structure, as well as their current and potential innovative activities. Despite these national differences, sustained and inclusive employment is a shared objective for policy makers in all types of localities.

The 2nd Green Skills Forum had a special focus on the links between skills and knowledge needs and inclusive green growth. Experts in innovation, employability and skills development policies drew lessons from work conducted by Cedefop, the OECD and other organisations in this area. The discussions helped identify the obstacles and challenges lying ahead for the development of skills, education and training policies. The Forum’s outcomes contributed to inform new work to be conducted to address the transition of labour markets to greener employment growth.

The conference papers, discussions and exchanges were expected to:

  • Inform of strategies, initiatives and policy approaches tackling key skills issues for green growth;
  • Compare methods and tools used in monitoring and evaluating developments in labour markets;
  • Indicate how research can support better targeted policy making and skills strategies;
  • Identify gaps in knowledge and provide guidance for future research and collaboration for transitioning to a low carbon economy.

Event details

Event Date(s)
Event Type
Open event
Cedefop involvement


Flyer Green Forum 2014