The aim of this workshop was to build on the results of the 1st workshop (Thessaloniki 11‐12 November 2008) and continue the follow up and analysis of the EQF test and pilot projects.

The event, combining plenary and workshop sessions, brought together experts and project promoters of 24 selected ongoing EQF/Sectoral LdV pilot projects (2006, 2007 and 2008 calls) as well as experts from Cedefop and the Commission.
The projects covered a wide range of issues and stakeholders, notably national authorities (ministries and qualifications authorities) sectors (including international trade, food, automobile, agriculture, construction industry, aquaculture and maritime, marketing and financial services, health and home care) as well as social partners, non‐governmental organisations, etc. There was also a presentation dedicated to recent developments in the social care sector.

The two parallel sessions focused on:

  • the sectoral dimension in the EQF test and pilot projects
  • the way the learning outcomes approaches is being used for referencing to the EQF and for developing National Qualifications Frameworks

Na prevzatie

Workshop conclusions LdV 2009


Conference material LdV 2009