From 15 to 19 August EPALE (European Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) is hosting the informal and non-formal learning week.
Join the discussions!

Everyone learns outside formal institutions, but the needs to validate non-formal and informal learning might be different for a migrant wanting to start working, a person who dropped out of school wanting to resume education or an employee who wants to improve career prospects.

  • Do we need different systems for each of those users?
  • Can we just have one system that meets all their needs?

What's your opinion?

Go to EPALE and join the discussion started by Ernesto Villalba, responsible for Cedefop's project validation of non-formal and informal learning.

Discussions will continue at the conference Cedefop is organising on validation November 28-29 in Thesslaoniki, Greece. 

There we will focus on four types of users:

  1. Validation for migrants 
  2. Validation for unemployed or at risk of unemployment 
  3. Validation for low qualified adults 
  4. Validation for people in employment