The restructuring forum dedicated to New Skills for New Jobs for the sectors is to be held in Brussels on 7-8 December with the active involvement of Cedefop. The event is organised by the European Commission, in cooperation with the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Committee of the Regions. 

The objective of the forum is to present, promote and discuss the recently published 18 sector-based studies that look at emerging and future skill needs up to 2020, and to launch a discussion on how to achieve stronger European collaboration in skills anticipation, focussing on the sectoral approach.

Cedefop project manager Alena Zukersteinova will be co-organising Workshop 1,  "Links between Cedefop's quantitative analysis on skills and the qualitative approach of the sectoral studies".  

Manfred Tessaring, Head of Research and Policy Analysis at Cedefop, will chair Workshop 2, which examines practical examples of updating and upgrading skills (in transport, among other sectors) in the context of lifelong learning.

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