Communcation from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Promoting decent work for all: the EU contribution to the implementation of the decent work agenda in the world.
Brussels, 24 May 2006
COM (2006) 249 final

A major push for more action, more coherent policies and better implementation of 'decent work' was launched today by the European Commission. Decent work, meaning more and better jobs with welfare protection, equal opportunities and social dialogue, can help developing countries fight poverty. But it can also help developed countries, improve working and living conditions and pursue appropriate policies as globalisation, technological advances and population trends all change. The Commission Communication aims to strengthen EU policies and programmes in helping spread decent work both inside and outside the EU.

The COM document is complemented by SEC (2006) 643, which lists the key reference documents on "decent work".

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