This communication sets out how the EU can bring policy levers into play to support the automotive industry. It represents a European framework for action: a framework which sets out how both the EU level and Member States can take the decisive measures needed.

Different Member States will use different mixes of action to address the needs of manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and their workers. All can be most effective working with the confidence provided by a common EU framework.

The main objectives of the proposed approach are:

  1. to support demand in order to assist with remedying the effects of the credit squeeze;
  2. to facilitate the adjustment by cushioning the costs associated with restructuring, in particular for workers and upgrade their training
  3. to encourage the modernisation of the plants with a view to ensure a sustainable competitiveness of this industry at world level and
  4. to assist industry to implement the radical technological change required by the climate change challenge.

Reference: Communication from the Commission: "Responding to the crisis in the European automotive industry".
COM(2009) 104, 25.2.2009