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Cross-border long-term mobility of apprentices (CBLTMA) is understood as the period an apprentice spends abroad in in-company training (potentially combined with training at a VET provider) for a duration of minimum six months, and typically of up to 12 months, as part of his/her apprenticeship training.

It is more difficult to organise than mobility in school-based VET and higher education, largely due to the nature of the relationship between the apprentice and the training companies; the latter must be willing to let the apprentice undergo a part of his/her training abroad.

By considering the specificities of apprenticeships, this publication presents considerations on the enablers and disablers of CBLTMA and shows what would need to be considered to make CBLTMA work in the medium to long term.

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Cedefop (2021). Enablers and disablers of cross-border long-term apprentice mobility: evidence from country- and project-level investigations. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop reference series, No 120. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/94115


Enablers and disablers of cross-border long-term apprentice mobility

EN 865.04 KB

AT country case study

EN 406.98 KB

DK country case study

EN 626.22 KB

FR country case study

EN 569.97 KB

HU country case study

EN 424.62 KB

IE country case study

EN 439.8 KB

NL country case study

EN 313.47 KB