The Council adopted a 2008 joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the "Education and Training 2010 work programme", a programme established to follow up the objectives set by the Lisbon agenda as regards education and training systems in Europe.

The 3rd joint progress report, entitled "Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation", gives a picture of progress made, identifies areas where progress remains insufficient and proposes measures to be taken for further improvements.

Progress had been made in moving towards achieving the five 2010 goals and enchmarks set by the member states for themselves but important challenges remain.

They recommend that the member states take concrete action to 1) substantially reduce the numbers of young people who still cannot read properly and the numbers of early school leavers; 2) improve the achievement levels of learners from an immigrant background; 3) ensure teaching is regarded as an attractive career by the best graduates and teachers receive high quality initial training and continuing professional development; and 4) attract more adults, particularly low-skilled and older workers, into education and training.

The ministers recommended the following ways of boosting creativity: 1) curriculums at all levels should be developed to enhance learners' creative and innovative skills; 2) a review of future skills requirements should be envisaged at European level as part of the follow-up to the 'New Skills for New Jobs' initiative; 3) universities should be given autonomy to develop partnerships with the business community to enable them to benefit from supplementary private sector funding; and 4) policy cooperation between culture and education should be developed.

Joint progress reports are adopted on a biennial basis by the Commission and the Council.

2008 joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the 'Education & Training 2010' work programme "Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge, creativity and innovation"