This section proposes a selection of inspiring examples, including:

These examples were selected as part of the Cedefop study ‘Leaving education early: putting vocational education and training (VET) centre stage’. Would you like to know more about the methodology used to select the examples and the countries covered? Go to About >

EU Member States
Education level and sector
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Stage of implementation
Displaying results 49 - 64 out of 293
  • Publikācijas
    Irene Psifidou, Nikolaos Mouratoglou & Alexandra Farazouli

    Guidance and counselling are key features in comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training (ELET). It may assist students not only in terms of decision-making, but also of managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment.

  • Publikācijas
    Executive summary

    The overall aim of the study was to assess the actual and potential role of digital technologies in promoting access, quality and equity in compulsory school education across the EU27, and in complementing and enhancing traditional forms of teaching and learning.

  • Publikācijas
    Final report: October 2021

    Ecorys is pleased to submit this final report for the study: Enhancing learning through digital tools and practices: how digital technology in compulsory education can help promote inclusion (EAC/08/02/2020).

  • Publikācijas
    Intermediate level VET and early leaving from education and training in Spain: a territorial approach

    INTRODUCTION. Spain has a combination of high rates of school drop-outs in education and training (ATEF), and low graduation and participation in vocational training. This article offers a territorial analysis of participation and graduation in intermediate level vocational education (FPGM) and their links to early drop-outs.

  • Publikācijas
    Αιτίες εγκατάλειψης προγραμμάτων αρχικής επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης. Μία μελέτη περίπτωσης.

    This study addresses the phenomenon of student dropout from the Public Vocational Institute of Patras by taking into consideration the perspective of 14 students who have dropped out, and gives an overview of the reasons behind the interruption of their studies.

  • Good practice
    Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Gaia

    A solution which fits the needs of the students for whom school was not the right fit, and which facilitates the achievement of their goals towards educational success.

  • Good practice
    Orientafp. Treball en xarxa i innovació per al suport i l’orientació de l’alumnat en la transició a l’FP i al món laboral. (Catalan)

    The programme is focused on the design and implementation of strategies addressed to improve students’ engagement, develop social and personal competences and provide tools for academic and/or professional success.

  • Publikācijas
    Διαρροή καταρτιζομένων από το ΔΙΕΚ Πάτρας

    The English version of this paper was produced by the author on the basis of the Greek version. This survey investigates the trainee dropout from Patras Public Vocational Training Institute (PVTI) in Greece. The survey took place in summer of 2020. 53 participants who dropped out participated and the data was collected based on a questionnaire.

  • Good practice
    FUORI SCUOLA Percorsi di recupero dalla dispersione scolastica

    FUORI SCUOLA is a project that aims to tackle early leaving from education and training at the local level of provinces.

    Having a holistic approach aiming at the wellbeing of young early leavers, each organisation provides services in four areas:

    a) development of professional skills;

    b) development of personal and social skills;

    c) development of key competences;

    d) reaching out, engagement, reception, listening and guidance.

  • Good practice

    Erasmus+ project “Early School Workers” was designed and carried out to provide VET teachers and schools with guidelines and tools to support learners from becoming early school leavers and increase the employability of youngsters while fostering their active role in the society.

  • Publikācijas
    Based on the COFACE Disability S.H.I.F.T. guide for a meaningful inlusion of persons with disabilities and their families. COFACE Families Europe is a pluralistic network of civil society associations representing the interests of all families.

    According to article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), signed and adopted by the European Union and all its Member States, and of its General Comment No. 4, State parties must ensure the realisation of the right of persons with disabilities to education through an inclusive education system at all levels, including pre-schools, primary, secondary and tertiary education, vocational training and lifelong learning, extracurricular and social activities, and for all students, including persons with disabilities.

  • Publikācijas
    Prevenir el abandono de los estudios en la formación profesional: orientaciones y propuestas

    Educational research is an increasingly important tool for educational governance and evidence-based decision making. This guide is an outcome of the excellent research project Itinerarios de éxito y abandono en la formación profesional del sistema educativo (IEAFP) (Success and dropout itineraries in vocational education and training of the education system) managed by Dr Francesca Salvà Mut and her team.

  • Statistics and data
    European Parliament, Infographic Lifelong Learning Briefing

    Young adults whose highest level of education is at or below lower secondary school level are considered early leavers from education and training.

  • Publikācijas
    Antoni Cerdà-Navarro, Francesca Salvà-Mut, Rubén Comas-Forgas & Mercè Morey-López

    This article looks at the differences and similarities between Spanish-born and immigrant students enrolled in the first year of Intermediate Vocational Education (IVET) programmes in Spain.

  • Publikācijas
    De liarla a rayarse: metáfora y coherencia en los relatos de cinco jóvenes que retornan a un CFGM

    For many young people who enrol in intermediate VET (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio – CFGM, ISCED 3B), the transition from compulsory education or other alternative programmes becomes a complex process, where the possibility of reconstructing their academic identities positively is highly relevant.

  • Publikācijas
    Overview of major reforms since 2015

    This report contains more than 35 updated structural indicators on education policies for the 2019/20 school/academic year in six policy areas: early childhood education and care (ECEC), achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training (ELET), higher education, graduate employability and learning mobility.

Displaying results 49 - 64 out of 293