The present Communication comes from two policy strands: the i2010 digital libraries initiative and the Community policy on research.

The digital libraries initiative aims to make information more accessible and usable in the digital environment. The Community policy on research looks to maximise the socio-economic benefits of research and development for the public good.

The present Communication represents an initial step within a wider policy process addressing how the scientific publication system functions and what impact it has on research excellence.

This Communication's objective is to signal the importance of and launch a policy process on (a) access to and dissemination of scientific information2, and (b) strategies for the preservation of scientific information across the Union.

Communication from the Commission to the European Paarliament, the Council and the European  Economic and Social Committee on scientific information in the digital age: access, dissemination and preservation.

News details

COM (2007) 156 of 14.2.2007