Understanding of apprenticeships in the national context

    Q2. Is there an official definition of ‘apprenticeship’ or ‘apprentice’ in your country?

    The term ‘apprenticeship’ is not explicitly defined (as the word “apprentissage” in French has a double sense of “learning” and “Apprenticeship”). Instead, the law (2008/2019) defines ‘alternating education’ as “training which is attended in alternation between professional and school environment” (Art. 2, 9) (which includes apprenticeship, training in Public training centres and internships).

    On top, specific conditions for apprentices are stipulated. ‘Apprentices’ are defined as “learners pursuing their apprenticeship under apprenticeship contract” (Art. 2, 11). The provisions regulating apprenticeship contracts and conditions applying to apprenticeship tutors are regulated in the Labour Code (Art L.111-1 to L.111-9).

    Q3. At which level do apprenticeship schemes exist in your country?
    At upper secondary level
    At post-secondary (not tertiary)
    At tertiary level
    At sectoral level

    The apprenticeship scheme is part of upper secondary education. It is applicable to three different vocational training programmes, that lead to different levels of qualification:

    • the vocational capacity certificate (CCP - Certificat de Capacité Professionnelle) at level 2 EQF;
    • the vocational aptitude diploma (DAP - Diplôme d’Aptitude Professionnelle) at level 3 EQF;
    • the technician’s diploma (DT - diplôme de technicien) at level 4 on the EQF.

    All CCP programmes are provided under apprenticeship contract.

    DAP programmes can include practical training under apprenticeship contract or internship contracts (convention de stage).

    As for DT programmes, practical in-company training is mostly organised under internship convention, yet the apprenticeship scheme is used in some occupations. In 2019, six tracks were offered under apprenticeship: administration and commerce, logistics, mechatronics, aircraft mechatronics, commercial market gardening, sales and management.

    Q4. How well-established are apprenticeship schemes in your country?
    A long history (before 2000)
    A recent history (in 2000s)
    Pilot scheme

    The history of apprenticeships in Luxembourg dates back to the 1940s.

    Q5. Relevant information that is essential to understanding the specificity of apprenticeships in the country.

    Apart from the regular dual apprenticeship scheme as it is detailed in the relevant fiche, two complementary schemes are linked to the apprenticeship scheme:

    Practical training provided by public training centres

    If learners are unable to find an in-company apprenticeship contract, work-based learning can alternatively take place at a public training centre. This option is not subject to an apprenticeship contract but to a training convention, hence learners are defined as “apprentice pupils” according to the amended Vocational Training Act of 2019, Art. 2, 12. This option leads to the same formal qualifications as the regular apprenticeship scheme.

    In 2019, 419 learners participated in CCP and DAP tracks in public training centres (school years 2018/19 and 2019/2020) (on top of the 3477 under regular apprenticeship). 68 learners attended a “preparatory employer’s training”, a one-year training programme that aims at adjusting the level of professional and social skills and enable learners switch to the 2nd year of regular in-company training in the private sector. This option is meant to avoid school dropout and help CCP learners with specific training needs, in particular basic and social skills, to prepare for labour market integration. As the system is based on modules, every module that is successfully passed during this year is valid for lifetime, independently whether it was passed in a public training centre or training company.

    Cross-border apprenticeships

    A legal basis has also been established for cross-border apprenticeships, easing the mobility of apprentices, especially for specific qualifications defined by Grand-Ducal Regulation [1] for which theoretical training is not available in Luxembourg schools due to the small number of participants. In the cross-border apprenticeship scheme, the practical component is carried out in a training company located in Luxembourg. The school-based training is provided by a school in a neighbouring country.

    Luxembourg is committed to promoting and facilitating outgoing and incoming mobility for learners, teachers and workers, especially with neighbouring regions in Germany, Belgium and France. In 2019, a total of 186 learners participated in cross-border apprenticeships, of which 36 Luxembourgish residents (2).


     [1] http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2010/07/26/n4/jo

    (2) ADEM, 2019.