This programme, created by Council of Ministers Resolution 51-A/2012, 14 July 2012, is financially supported by the European Social Fund.

It is targeted at long-term unemployed (aged 18-30) and comprises three strands:

  • internships in firms with the purpose of providing a work experience and training for young people (18-25) who have been unemployed for at least four months, and young people (25-30) who have been unemployed for at least four months and got their qualification (level 2-7) less than three years ago;
  • support for enterprises to contract job-seekers (18-30) who have been unemployed for at least 12 months, by granting temporary cuts in employers’ social contributions; and support for promoting entrepreneurship among unemployed university graduates to help develop quality projects;
  • support for economic development, in close cooperation with enterprises, by financing firms’ expansion and creating jobs for young workers.

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ReferNet Portugal