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This report provides an in-depth analysis of adults’ participation in non-formal job-related education and training in Europe, having particular but not exclusive regard to employed adults.

It investigates its variability and in/equality based on key factors at individual level, including socio-demographic background, education, labour market status, jobs and workplace characteristics.

The report selects, presents and analyses internationally comparable data from the 2011 adult education survey.

Basic descriptive statistics are enriched with findings from multivariate statistical modelling to provide a statistical picture of inequalities in Europe and at country level.

Publication details


Unequal access to job-related learning: evidence from the adult education survey

EN 1.19 MB

Unequal access to job-related learning: evidence from the adult education survey

EN 969.31 KB

5552_Annexes to the report

EN 2.44 MB