Mismatch between skills people have and those wanted by the labour market is costly for economies and societies. Productivity is lowered and competitiveness lost. And unfilled vacancies coincide with high unemployment!

Information, such as Cedefop’s pan-European skill supply and demand forecasts can help education and training to reflect more closely labour market needs to provide skills in demand and reduce skill mismatch. But how can such information be used and improved to adapt education and training for the benefit of individuals, society and the economy?

Many of our skills are acquired at work, including use of the latest technologies and processes. Can different forms of apprenticeship and work-based learning help to address skill mismatch, particularly among young people who often lack work experience to complement their qualifications?

Cedefop has brought together policy-makers from the European Union, Business Europe, the ETUC, UNESCO, Germany, Greece and Ireland to discuss these issues.

Watch Cedefop Acting Director Christian Lettmayr’s invitation.

Join the debate see the conference link at: