Investing in people: Communication on the thematic programme for human and social development and the financial perspectives for 2007-2013
Brussels, 25.1.2006
COM(2006) 18 final

In the context of external action, including development policy, the thematic programme Investing in people will focus on the core themes good health for all, knowledge and skills, culture, employment and social cohesion, gender equality, children and youth. It will reflect the internal policies of the EU and contribute to the coherence of the EUs external policies.

The programme will thus support the new external assistance architecture, giving the EU the means to act in some crucial areas. In particular, it will provide a thematic framework for sharing know-how, good practice and experience, for monitoring, data collection and analysis, for innovative approaches and pilot projects in the areas which directly affect peoples livelihoods around the world. It will strengthen the EUs voice at international level. It will allow the EU to continue to play a visible and credible role in international organisations and partnerships on these themes.

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