Joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on European Union Development Policy: The European Consensus
Official Journal of the European Union, C 46 of 24.2.2006, p. 1-19

The first part of the European consensus on development sets out common objectives and principles for development cooperation. It reaffirms EU commitment to poverty eradication, ownership, partnership, delivering more and better aid and promoting policy coherence for development. It will guide Community and Member State development cooperation activities in all developing countries, in a spirit of complementarity.

The second part of the European Consensus on Development sets out the renewed European Community Development Policy, which implements the European vision on development set out in the first part for the resources entrusted to the Community, in accordance with the Treaty. It clarifies the Community's role and added value and how the objectives, principles, values, policy coherence for development and commitments defined in this common vision will be made operational at Community level. It identifies priorities which will be reflected in effective and coherent development cooperation programmes at the level of countries and regions. It will guide the planning and implementation of the development assistance component of all Community instruments and cooperation strategies with third countries. It shall be taken into account in other Community policies that affect developing countries, to ensure policy coherence for development.

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