Cedefop and Eurofound have developed a joint study on The contribution of collective bargaining to the development of Continuing Vocational Training (CVT) in Europe.

The main objective of the project is to provide an overview of how social dialogue and collective bargaining has contributed to the development of CVT policies and initiatives in the 27 EU Member States, plus Norway, since the introduction of the Copenhagen process in 2002.

The project covers:

  • The main features of national CVT systems.
  • How collective bargaining has contributed to the design and implementation of CVT systems, including a discussion of the principal features of collectively agreed CVT programmes.
  • How social partners and other stakeholders help to promote CVT activities.
  • The formal positions of the social partners on CVT and an overview of the ongoing debate, focussing on the strengths and weaknesses of the present CVT systems and policies.

The overview report and the twenty-eight national reports can be downloaded from the attachments below, and at Eurofound web site.

Cedefop and Eurofound will formally present this study in a joint seminar held at Cedefops conference centre in Thessaloniki on 9-10 February 2009.

Background to the seminar:

Seminar agenda:

New: The speakers' presentations are made available from the attachments area below.

News details


Speakers presentations


Contribution of collective bargaining to continuing vocational training