Twenty eight country analytical highlights have been published on the EU Skills Panorama website. These short papers, ideal for policy-makers and professionals, aim to provide a concise analysis on the current and future skills prospects in a specific country and by doing so to improve accessibility to the Panorama’s data and intelligence on skill needs and the labour market in EU countries.

Currently, there are in total 74 analytical highlights on the EU Skills Panorama website, organised in four thematic areas:

  • the first includes 10 papers covering issues relevant to 'skills and learning' in general, including topics such as adult learning, apprenticeships, foreign languages, etc;
  • the second includes 10 sectoral highlights, where short overviews of selected sectors across Europe are provided with information on demand, supply and mismatch trends of skills and occupations;
  • the third includes 26 analytical highlights covering all the important occupational groups of the EU economies;
  • the fourth includes the new 28 country analytical highlights.

All papers are available for download here.

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