The third biennial European E-Skills Conference - organised by the European Commission and Cedefop in partnership with the E-Skills Industry Leadership Board – is to discuss how to implement the long-term e-skills agenda for Europe outlined in the Commission’s 2007 Communication, E-Skills for the 21st century: Fostering competitiveness, growth and jobs, and the Conclusions on a long-term e-skills strategy adopted by the Competitiveness Council of Ministers in November 2007.
The main challenges concern both ends of the skills spectrum. Europe must find ways to attract enough high-level workers to the field to cover rising demand; but it must also help improve the ICT skills of older workers and people with low educational attainment groups whose e-skills gap with the rest of the population continues to grow.

European e-Skills 2008 Conference, Implementing a long term e-skills strategy in Europe Cedefop, Thessaloniki, 9-10 October 2008.

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