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This anniversary publication presents a concise picture of essential features of VET in Europe. Reporting on and analysing vocational education and training (VET) has been a Cedefop core activity throughout its 40-year history.

Modernising VET to ensure its outcomes empower learners to find and maintain jobs and advance in their educational careers, has been at the heart of European cooperation for more than a decade.

Cedefop is at the forefront of monitoring countries’ progress towards set VET priorities. It also supports cross-country policy learning and, increasingly, individual Member States and social partners in their joint work on modernising VET.

In cooperation with its Refernet partners, Cedefop publishes a 'Spotlight on VET' for each EU Member State, Iceland and Norway. Spotlights present essential VET features of all 30 countries using comparable system charts based on each country’s VET programmes, rather than schools or institutions.

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Spotlight on VET

EN 8.36 MB