The best information always comes straight from the source. Ten years ago, Cedefop set up a network designed to provide it with the most reliable information on national vocational education and training systems and policies. The network collects much of the information and data on which Cedefop’s research and analysis is based. In October, ReferNet celebrated this milestone with a conference in which futures specialist Fabienne Goux-Baudiment outlined the challenges education and training will be facing. Cedefop also issued a special publication that included contributions from ReferNet members.

The core business of the network has moved during this past decade, from documentation to policy analysis. The network is now called upon to provide not just data but a detailed analysis of how each Member State is progressing in its implementation of common policy objectives. This, in turn, will allow the European Commission to formulate tailored recommendations for each Member State.

In each country, the network builds upon national consortia, led by a coordinating institution and consisting of organisations directly involved in the field. In this way, Cedefop is able to keep its finger on the pulse of vocational education and training across Europe. All Member States, along with Iceland and Norway, are represented in ReferNet.


ReferNet Coordinator Sylvie Bousquet
Acting Director Christian Lettmayr at the 10th anniversary of ReferNet
Michaela Feuerstein, Coordinator, Study Visits Programme, addressing the speaker

Steve Bainbridge (Cedefop) and our speaker, Fabienne Goux-Baudiment


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