
Low grades, grade repetition and absenteeism are associated with gaps in learning. These can accumulate over the years resulting in performance below grade level, and a low level of basic skills. Negative educational experiences also reduce the student’s confidence in his or her own learning potential. Low educational achievement and low self-confidence increases the chances of early leaving.

This issue can be particularly relevant in vocational education and training (VET). In many countries, students who are less academically inclined are more likely to be oriented towards VET. These learners combine low academic achievement and a negative experience with education, which increases their chances of dropping out.

VET providers can prevent drop-out by tackling low grades and truancy as soon as possible, and by ensuring students avoid repeating a grade. Needs-based support can help these learners make up for learning gaps and improve their basic skills.

Related resources

    Good practices
    Good practice

    Erasmus+ project “Early School Workers” was designed and carried out to provide VET teachers and schools with guidelines and tools to support learners from becoming early school leavers and increase the employability of youngsters while fostering their active role in the society.