Have you wondered how many students participate in initial vocational education and training (IVET) in European countries? Or how many enterprises provide training to workers? Cedefop has selected a set of 36 indicators to quantify some key aspects of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning.

The selection is based on the indicators' policy relevance and their importance in achieving the Europe 2020 objectives. They account for the most recent challenges and opportunities arising from developments in the relevant statistical infrastructure and include evidence from the European Statistical System.

Initial VET students as % of all upper secondary students

These indicators should be regarded as a valuable tool to help policy-makers better understand and assess VET developments in each country. While they do not claim to assess national systems or policies, they could be used to reflect on countries’ situation and progress towards the strategic objectives set for Europe.

The indicators present statistical overviews, with data for European Union Member States, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.

To the best possible extent at the time of its preparation, the report selects and presents developments over time.

Check out the 36 indicators.

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