ICT and e-business skills and training in Europe: towards a comprehensive European e-skills reference framework: final synthesis report.
This synthesis report summarises and complements the findings of four reports commissioned by Cedefop in 2003 as part of its programme on information and communications technology, (ICT) skills in Europe. The focus of this work was on innovative European ICT skills and curriculum solutions to address balance, mismatch and skills gaps primarily in qualitative terms. Researchers analysed the needs of ICT practitioner skills in the ICT manufacturing industry and in several important ICT user industries. One report delivered results on ICT practitioner skill needs at sub-degree (vocational) level, the other three reports covered ICT skills in the banking and finance, automotive and graphics/media industries across all skill levels including the highest professional ones. In all the reports special attention was given to the complex interdependencies of employment and education/training systems, demand and supply.

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