The past two decades have witnessed a growing awareness in most Member States of the importance of ensuring quality in vocational education and training (VET). As a result, many countries have developed approaches for quality assurance and management that are designed to meet national policy objectives; but rarely have these approaches covered the entire VET system. It is therefore necessary to look to the European level for such a comprehensive approach.
Cedefops new study, Indicators for quality in VET, which enriches and updates the work of the Technical Working Group on Quality, presents a set of eight indicators that can form part of a European strategy for quality in vocational education and training. The use of these indicators is illustrated by several national examples; international and European indicator systems are assessed. The report shows that quality indicators are important tools for assessing objectives, communicating results achieved and further improving VET. In essence, quality indicators are a key for making training provision accountable.

This publication will also be published in French.