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The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has highlighted the vast opportunities of working and learning digitally.

In these exceptional times, where a large part of the workforce has been obliged to work remotely due to home confinement and social distancing measures, gig or crowd-workers have enjoyed a kind of ‘home field’ advantage: working and interacting digitally has always been their prevailing mode of operation. What can we learn from these online workers who mastered the art of working and learning remotely long before the public health crisis?

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Cedefop (2020). Online working and learning in the coronavirus era. Cedefop briefing note, July 2020. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/39209


Online arbeiten und lernen in Coronavirus-Zeiten

DE 1.13 MB

Online arbeiten und lernen in Coronavirus-Zeiten

DE 319.48 KB

Επιγραμμική εργασία και μάθηση στην εποχή του κορονοϊού

EL 567.67 KB

Επιγραμμική εργασία και μάθηση στην εποχή του κορονοϊού

EL 378.83 KB

Online working and learning in the coronavirus era

EN 225.58 KB

Online working and learning in the coronavirus era

EN 394.44 KB

Trabajar y aprender en línea en la era del coronavirus

ES 476.79 KB

Trabajar y aprender en línea en la era del coronavirus

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Travail et apprentissage en ligne à l’ère du coronavirus

FR 519.96 KB

Travail et apprentissage en ligne à l’ère du coronavirus

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Lavoro e apprendimento online nell’era del coronavirus

IT 508.01 KB

Lavoro e apprendimento online nell’era del coronavirus

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Praca i nauka za pośrednictwem internetu w dobie pandemii COVID-19

PL 558.48 KB

Praca i nauka za pośrednictwem internetu w dobie pandemii COVID-19

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