Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel and the Director of Eurostat’s unit B (Methodology, dissemination and cooperation in European statistical systems) Eduardo Barredo Capelot met remotely on 14 May to celebrate the signature of a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions.
The memorandum, on maintenance and further development of the European system for collecting, processing and analysing online job advertisements within the web intelligence hub, formalises a fruitful cooperation between Cedefop and Eurostat in the past few years on building a joint approach to online job advertisement data.
Both directors agreed that this joint work is a great example of inter-institutional cooperation bringing multiple benefits to the two organisations and other EU bodies as well as the wider research and expert community.
Mr Siebel noted that ‘the fast and more granular information on employers’ skills needs is important for Cedefop when advising education and training policy-makers.’ At the same time, Eurostat continuously seeks new data sources to improve official statistics. According to Mr Barredo Capelot, ‘this collaboration between Eurostat and Cedefop kickstarts the building of the web intelligence hub, one of the pillars of the future infrastructure of European statistics.’