The new skills network (NSN), coordinated by the Icelandic national agency for the lifelong learning programme (LLP) since the beginning of 2010, brings together national agencies from 15 countries responsible for implementation of the LLP. The NSN is one of five European thematic networks, all similar regarding working method, life cycle (three years) and project resources.

The new skills network (NSN), coordinated by the Icelandic national agency for the lifelong learning programme (LLP) since the beginning of 2010, brings together national agencies from 15 countries responsible for implementation of the LLP. The NSN is one of five European thematic networks, all similar regarding working method, life cycle (three years) and project resources.

The main aims of the NSN are:

  1. to help ensure that the lifelong learning programme supports Member States adequately in skills upgrading and skills matching through mobilisation of existing Community policies and funds;
  2. to promote development of more projects aimed at developing processes, methods and tools aimed at helping Europe close the current skills gap and upgrade skills;
  3. to have an impact on new policy developments and setting long-term strategic priorities at EU and Member State levels.

New skills for new jobs is Europe’s flagship initiative. It aims at improving human capital and increasing employability to better the match between education, training and skills development and needs of the labour market. To reach these aims, the NSN:

  • collected 300 LLP projects and identified 22 good or best practice projects judged in terms of multiplier potential: transferability, accessibility and potential impact. Two external experts analysed the projects, Dr Rob Wilson, professor at the University of Warwick, UK and Mr Paul Guest, expert on European projects. In addition an expert working for Cedefop was involved;
  • organised seminars and conferences bringing together project coordinators, experts and political decision-makers from all over Europe.

All information on the NSN, including reports and information on past NSN events, especially information about the NSN final conference that took place in Copenhagen on 9 May 2012, is available.

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ReferNet Iceland