This publication presents – for the first time – a consistent and comprehensive medium-term forecast of employment and skill needs across the whole of Europe. It develops macroeconomic projections and alternative scenarios for each Member State and aggregate results at European level. It provides data on future employment developments by economic sector, occupation and qualification until 2015 and uses comparative data for all Member States.
The need to improve transparency on European labour markets, increase the skill levels of populations and prevent skill mismatches make information about the future development of skills and competences indispensable. Relevant findings could help achieve the objectives set in European employment and lifelong learning strategies and are essential for developing a European knowledge-based society. Cedefop contributes to these objectives in two ways: the early identification of new skill needs; and anticipation of future skill needs.

Publication number: 4078
Number of pages: 121
Catalogue number: TI-70-07-138-EN-C
Available in print: Yes
Price: Free of charge

Available in languages: EN