
In this chapter, we attempted to discuss the constantly increasing reasons for dropping out of a public vocational training center for individuals that have completed Lyceum. The results of two researches that took place in the last four years in the biggest regional VTI of Greece served as a conversation opener for this discussion. They highlighted living conditions, studying conditions and learning motivation as main reasons for dropping out and agree with international researches that pinpoint the higher dropout in the introductory semester of the programs. Those findings confirm the bibliographic data that maintain that participation of the adults in Lifelong Learning, a form of which is vocational training, has two basic primary theories, that of sociology –which refers to the socio-economic obstacles- and that of psychology –which highlights the motives. The first one is dominant in the specific centers. The solutions suggested are relevant to the wider educational policy that continues to exclude the financially weaker part of the population, something that became even more evident during the emergency implementation of distance education/training.



Trainees' dropout from public post-secondary vocational training infrastructures