The green economy is one of the main areas for job creation in Europe. So underlines a Commission Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication from the commission Towards a job-rich recovery.

The gradual transition towards a competitive, low carbon and resource efficient economy also represents a chance for the EU to reconsider its traditional economic model and begin a move towards a new one founded on the principle of resource efficiency.

This Staff Working Document informs and advances on-going strategic reflection on building a competitive, low carbon and resource efficient economy in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy. Employment policies are just one piece in a larger puzzle, but in-depth discussion and smart articulation of tools and policies, including the European Employment Strategy, can go a long way in tackling the challenge.

The emphasis placed on the transition towards a greener economy in worldwide fora (G20, ILO, UNEP – Rio+20, OECD) also calls for the EU and its Member States to provide clear and credible answers on this front.

Cedefop's work on green jobs and skills development is widely referenced.

To download the Commission Communication Towards a job-rich recovery, click here.