The Commission's new social proposals seeks to boost access, opportunities and social justice. Discrimination is also tackled under a wide EU package on coping with social change in a global economy.

The EU has limited powers and responsibilities, but it has successfully promoted growth and jobs, gender equality and better working conditions. It has helped to tackle discrimination, poverty and inequalities between regions.

Building on these achievements, the renewed social agenda brings together a range of EU policies in order to support action in seven priority areas:

  • Children and youth - tomorrow's Europe
  • Investing in people: more and better jobs, new skills
  • Mobility
  • Longer and healthier lives
  • Combating poverty and social exclusion
  • Fighting discrimination and promoting gender equality
  • Opportunities, access and solidarity on the global scene


Full title: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committeee of the Regios:  Renewed social agenda: Opportunities, access and solidarity in 21st century Europe. COM(2008) 412 final, 2.7.2008