Slava Pevec Grm
Slava Pevec Grm is a senior expert in the Qualifications and Learning Outcomes team.  Before joining Cedefop in May 2009, she had worked for ten years at the National Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Slovenia. As assistant director for development she was involved in overall development of the VET system as well as of qualifications and curriculum. A member of various European expert working groups since 2002, she was also actively involved in policy development at European level.
Fernanda Ferreira
Fernanda Ferreira, a seconded national expert from the Portuguese Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, joined Cedefops Research and Policy Analysis Area in July. Involved in vocational training projects since 1999, she was the National ReferNet representative for Portugal. At Cedefop she is working on the review of the Copenhagen process and continues to participate in ReferNet.
Maria Todorova
Maria Todorova comes to Cedefop from the DVV-International-Bulgarian Office, where she was Director, working in the field of vocational education and training and adult learning in the context of lifelong learning. At Cedefop she will be responsible for the TTNet (Teachers and Trainers Network) and related fields in the area of adult learning and the Study Visits Programme.


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