The role of EURES (European Employment Services) is to facilitate mobility in the European labour market by providing services to workers and employers wishing to take advantage of the right to the free movement of workers in the EU in accordance with Regulation 1612/68.

The enlargement of the EURES network to the ten new Member States is the most important development in the EURES network in the period covered by this report (2004-2005).

The report is structured, consequently, according to the ten EURES priorities which have guided the development of the network in the period 2004-2005.

Report from the Commisson to the Council and the European Parlaiment - EURES Activity Report 2004 2005 presented by the Commission in accordance with Article 19 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68
"Towards a single European labour market: the contribution of EURES"

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