Important: Please note!

Please note that Cedefop's skills intelligence based on OJAs is being continuously improved. Posted by millions of employers on thousands of websites, with no standard structure or format, the data undergo extensive cleaning and processing. Sound analysis and contextualisation helps avoid interpretation errors and biases. You are advised to use Skills-OVATE as a complement to other sources, such as skills or household surveys. Please read Cedefop’s publications to learn about OJA based skills intelligence and challenges related to the use of big data to inform skills policies.

Data visualisation is powered by Tableau public. By using the tool you agree with the general policies of Tableau.

This dashboard, allows you to make customised comparisons. In each column, you can select different countries, regions, occupations or sectors, and compare how they are represented in the OJA data. The columns also display information on contract types and working hours offered.

As this is the most complex dashboard in Skills-OVATE, it takes more time to load than the rest.

Dashboard controls: you can create filters by combining drop-down menus and clickable items in the charts. To display the most requested skills in detail, choose one or more of the main skill groups at the bottom of the dashboard. To undo your selection, click on the selected items again. To undo the entire selection, refresh the window.

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