In November 2015 a national conference of stakeholders from education, social partners and other organisations marked the launch of the Swedish national qualification framework (SeQF).

The Swedish national qualification framework was introduced in August 2015, when a new law gave the Government the authority to decide on certain issues on the SeQF. The proposals had been prepared by the EQF national coordination point and the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education, in close dialogue with a broad group of stakeholders. The formal consultation included national and regional authorities as well as representatives from education and labour market sectors.

The newly adopted SeQF is a comprehensive, learning-outcome-based framework with eight levels. SeQF does not only cover formal qualifications, but is also open to non-formal and private sector qualifications and certificates. The appointed national agency will charge organisations an application fee for linking their qualifications to the SeQF. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has been commissioned to develop procedures for this process as well as quality assurance mechanisms.

Referencing the Swedish qualifications to the EQF has also started. Dissemination and implementation activities are planned for the coming year and will include information on other European mobility and transparency tools such as ECVET, EQAVET and ESCO.

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