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This guide is a part of the ETF, ILO and Cedefop series of guides on skills anticipation and matching. All the guides follow a common structure, although they vary in level of detail, technical content and case studies. The ETF, Cedefop and the ILO worked closely together to develop the guides, usually with one agency/ organisation taking the lead and the others providing inputs, case studies, comments and reviews. All guides have undergone extensive validation and peer review; they were also discussed in detail in international expert seminars in which academic representatives, anticipation and matching experts, and potential end‑users from across the world provided comments and feedback on content and usability. Experts and staff of the three organisations also peer reviewed the guides before their publication.

Better understanding, and more efficient use, of LMI are among potential preventive measures to reduce the risks of skills mismatch. The aim of this publication is to provide guidance through labour market monitoring and analysis of supply and demand as follows: formulation of aims of the analysis, data audit, capacity building, performance of analysis, and dissemination and use of LMI in the context of better matching.

This guide describes relevant methods, approaches and components for interpretation of LMI as well as the conditions and the operations of the labour market. It includes various measures, recent and projected trends, and restrictions and challenges to be considered in analysing LMI.

As a part of the series of guides which focus on more specific topics and methods of skill needs identification and anticipation, this will mainly focus on how to exploit the data sources and tools available in the country, in particular through transforming them into labour market and education indicators. It also offers hints on how to improve data sources to make them more useful for informed decision making by individuals, companies and institutions in the labour market, including evidence‑based policy making. Detailed information on how to develop these information sources or how to use them in a context of specific institutions is the aim of other guides in the series; there are links to them where relevant.

This publication is a helpful introductory tool for everyone who wants to understand how LMI can be used for better anticipation and matching of skills demand and supply. It provides advice and recommendations for policy and decision‑makers on how to respond to market signals and how to react to early warning messages driven by LMI. Technical analysts and professionals can use this guide as a source of inspiration on how LMI systems can be further developed and used for policy analyses and interventions.


Using labour market information

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