The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is Malta’s leading vocational education and training institution.  It offers 185 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses, ranging from certificates to degrees (MQF/EQF Level 1 to Level 7).

During the academic year 2016/2017, MCAST is offering two master degree programmes, MQF Level 7, on a part-time basis. The programmes, on offer for the first time this year, are the master of business administration (MBA) for the small business and the master of business informatics in collaboration with with Haaga-Helia, University of Applied Sciences.

MCAST collaborates closely with local industries to ensure that the knowledge, skills and competences within its curricula are appropriate and relevant to a dynamic and forward-looking economy, equipping students with the competences required by local industry sectors.  

In 2015, MCAST introduced the concept of three colleges under the MCAST umbrella.  These are the Foundation College, the Technical College and the University College.

Foundation College:  this provides MQF/EQF levels 1, 2 and 3 programmes for students who have left compulsory education without formal qualifications or without the necessary entry qualifications for Level 4 training programmes. The Foundation College equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve a vocational qualification and an opportunity to further their studies. It focuses on providing the best curricula and learning pedagogies by addressing the specific needs of these students, preparing them for further education at the Technical College.

Technical College: this provides further programmes of study at MQF/EQF Level 4 in closer collaboration with industry. The advanced diplomas  offered prepare students with the right mix of knowledge, skills and competences to take up technical positions within industry or progress to the University College.  The modular based learning vocational courses incorporate a wide range of apprenticeships in various fields of study, enabling students to gain practical work experience while studying.

University College:  this caters for higher education programmes and vocational degrees (MQF/EQF Levels 5 to 7), ensuring that its higher education programmes are more relevant to industry and there is a good match between the graduates and the knowledge and skills the economy needs. The University College works in collaboration with industry to provide professionals that are both academically prepared and trained to satisfy the needs of the labour market. Its vocational graduate programmes offer internship and entrepreneurship opportunities, while offering degrees through international partnerships.

There are six thematic institutes within MCAST: applied science; community services; engineering and transport; business, management and commerce; information and communication technology; and creative arts.  These provide technical and professional expertise for delivery of all programmes, ensuring the possibility of one continuous pathway between the different levels. This corporate structure enables each college to create focused strategies addressing the specific needs of students at each level while maintaining a healthy dialogue with stakeholders to ensure that the qualifications offered mirror industry demands.