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How does the accreditation of training providers improve the quality of vocational education and training (VET)?

This publication examines how accreditation systems relate to quality assurance by means of 12 in-depth case studies. Of these, four relate to economic sectors, eight to countries.

The results show that accreditation systems are widely accepted by providers, and deliver vocational education and training to predefined quality standards - with or without the direct involvement of public authorities.

Accreditation has a clearing effect:  weak performers disappear from the market and successfully accredited providers become more visible. The use of quality labels could be more widespread. It is mostly found in the sectoral examples, especially where the value of such labels can be clearly defined.  

The study shows that accreditation systems for vocational education and training can make sure that minimum standards are observed in VET delivery. For the future, the challenge will be to turn accreditation into a driving force for better quality. To do so, the study suggests a multistep approach to accreditation and concludes with recommendations for national, sectoral and European stakeholders.


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Qualitätssicherung in der Berufsbildung

DE 1.72 MB

Assuring quality in vocational education and training

EN 2.09 MB

Assurer la qualité dans l’enseignement et la formation professionnels

FR 1.68 MB