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This publication presents findings from about 100 study visits in 2008/09 related to improving quality and efficiency, one of the strategic priorities of European cooperation in education and training, and specifically, its important components: acquisition of key competences, challenges to teachers and trainers and new approaches to leadership and management.


Group reports prepared by participants during study visits were the main source of information for this publication. They are a rich source of information about practices in education and training in participating countries. This selection represents only a small sample of initiatives identified and presented during visits and also at Cedefop’s seminar on 1 and 2 February 2010 in Thessaloniki, Greece.


This publication is aimed at building bridges between educational and VET institutions and developing interesting cooperation projects.

Publication details

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Publication type


Mejorar las competencias renovando la enseñanza y la dirección de centros docentes

ES 3.06 MB

Verbesserung von Kompetenzen durch die Verbesserung von Unterricht und Führung


Améliorer les compétences en améliorant la qualité de l'enseignement et la direction des établissements

FR 8.14 MB

Better competences through better teaching and leading

EN 4.87 MB