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Organising a study visit (a peer learning event) can be a challenging but rewarding experience for all involved. It is an excellent opportunity to present an institution’s work, meet experts from various countries and professional backgrounds, establish contacts for cooperation and get inspiring ideas. The handbook was designed to guide organisers through important steps of preparing, running and following up such an event. It provides practical advice and examples of good practice for making visits rich learning experiences. It is based on ideas and suggestions of organisers and participants.

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Manual para organizadores de visitas de estudio dirigidas a especialitas en educación y formación profesional

ES 2.14 MB

Handbuch für Organisatoren von Studienbesuchen für Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsfachleute

DE 2.21 MB

Handbook for organisers of study visits for education and vocational training specialists

EN 1.67 MB

Guide à l’intention des organisateurs de visites d’étude pour spécialistes de l’éducation et de la formation professionnelle

FR 1.91 MB