Are you involved in anticipating skill needs and mismatches? Are you concerned with how education and training systems respond to labour market intelligence? Then join us for the Cedefop-UNESCO global skills conference in Paris on 20 and 21 October!

Registration is open and the deadline is Friday 7 October with only few places left.

The conference will:

  • discuss how information on global trends in skill needs is used by countries to review and renew their education and training provisions and how qualifications frameworks (at sector, national, regional and global levels) can support coordination and dialogue between education and training including labour market actors across different regions of the world;
  • provide a platform for sharing best practices in skills anticipation and matching approaches and discuss possible ways forward;
  • offer possibilities for setting up and sustaining a modern infrastructure for data collection – a ‘data revolution’ – allowing robust analysis on anticipated skill needs with real-time labour market intelligence, contributing to the effectiveness of informed policy-making.

Global policy priorities, challenges and solutions which can be applied in different regions of the world will be debated by experts in skills, along with representatives of governments and social partners in a series of discussions structured around two key themes:

  • Global trends and skills: common forces, different challenges
  • Education and training for a global economy: using informed decision-making to adapt to a new landscape.

Click here for the registration form.

Download the conference programme.