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David Istance Print E-mail
David Istance is a senior member of OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), and now heads the Innovative Learning Environments project. He is also an Honorary Visiting Professor at Cardiff University, and before his current spell at OECD was a teacher and researcher in Cardiff and Swansea Universities. He has been the author and/or editor, alone or with others, of many reports and articles. His OECD publications on learning and innovation include: The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice (2010), Innovating to Learn, Learning to Innovate (2008), Think Scenarios, Rethink Education (2006), and What Schools for the Future? (2001). He also produces the overview publication on key conclusions from OECD education studies, most recently Education Today 2010: The OECD Perpective. He is on the boards of the European Journal of Education and the International Partnership Network.