List of policy instruments

  • Description

    Focus area
    In accordance to § 29 par. 2 of Act no. 61/2015 Coll. on Vocational Education and Training, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, in cooperation with the relevant institutions in the field of vocational education and training, prepares these lists at least once every three years. The last update was on 1 September, 2020. The tool was designed to regulate the structure of initial VET programmes according to the labour market needs.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    Since 2014, still in operation, updated every three year, last updated in 2020.
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    The lists are based on several related data inputs. The key indicators are: graduate unemployment rate, replacement demand for a particular field of study, the number of students currently enrolled in a field of study, regional VET strategies, and sectoral VET strategies. These data are combined, discussed and debated, in order to produce widely agreed lists of fields of study, which are then considered in the IVET funding scheme.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Please tick all that apply
    Lists have been implemented in order to better align the structure of education/IVET to labour market needs.
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    A list of fields of study in an oversupply and in an undersupply in the labour market are drawn up to support which fields of study should be funded in the IVET scheme.
    A list of fields of study in an oversupply and in an undersupply in the labour market are drawn up to support which fields of study should be funded in the IVET scheme.


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    The lists are based on several related data inputs. The key indicators are: graduate unemployment rate, replacement demand for a particular field of study, the number of students currently enrolled in a field of study, regional VET strategies, and sectoral VET strategies. These data are combined, discussed and debated, in order to produce widely agreed lists of fields of study, which are then considered in the IVET funding scheme
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    The data collected are discussed by stakeholders to elaborate widely agreed lists of fields of study, which are then considered in the IVET funding scheme.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Slovak Republic
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National ministry
    Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic - participating in drawing up the lists by providing strategies
    Regional ministry
    Representatives of departments responsible for education in self-governing regions - consulted for drawing up the lists through regional strategies
    National agency
    Centre for science and technical information and data (CVTI), State Vocational for Education Institution (SIOV), Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Vocational Education - consulted for drawing up the lists by providing data inputs
    Social partner: employer organisation
    National Council for Vocational Education and Training, Employer Council for Dual VET (RZSDV) - consulted for opinion
    Social partner: trade union


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The instrument engages a wide range of stakeholders, which increases its acceptance. Financial incentives tied to the list make regions more likely to adapt the structure of initial VET (through the number of entry classes) according to the lists.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    A soft barrier may be a weak link between the tool and information accessible to pupils entering secondary education, which would enable them to make better informed choices about the selection of their fields of study, but to our knowledge no studies on barriers have been undertaken until now.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    Indicators presented in an analysis of the instrument made by Education Policy Institute compares the number of entry classes suggested by schools and the number approved by the regional authorities. It shows a partial impact of the instrument.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    No major updates in process of drawing up lists but the concrete group of stakeholders involved in the process varies per period, according to the possibilities stipulated by law.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    Partially effective in the sense that regions mobilised their resources more to adapt the number and fields of study of IVET classes but struggle to attract students to the fields of study in undersupply. No concrete analysis available for the latest period.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    The instrument will continue with its regular updates every three years, as given in § 29 par. 2 Act on Dual Education 61/2015 Coll., as amended by the Act No 209/2018.
  • Description

    Focus area
    The initiative is aimed at providing job seekers and young job seekers with skills needed for entering or re-entering the labour market. It has two parts. The aim is to support the employability through measures of education, support for retraining, acquisition of key competences, and education by own initiative. The initiative is a national programme linkaged to the main skills anticipation at the national level, based on data previously collected by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    Education of job seekers: 01/2018– 12/2022. Education of young job seekers: 01/2019 - 09/2023
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    The whole initative is based on the statistical evidence collected by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. In particular, the need for further education of the job seekers will be analyzed and evaluated in terms of applicability on the labour market and the establishment of measures to increase employment opportunities.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by the EU

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Skill underutilisation (individuals' skills are not well used in their jobs)
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skill gaps (worker's skills are below the level of proficiency required by their employers and jobs)
    Skills obsolescence (some or all of an individual's skills are no longer relevant to the current employer or in the labour market generally)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    After individual or group consultancy with job seekers, appropriate training or re-training programmes are offered.
    Skills delivered
    What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
    General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Please select what skills assessment/skills anticipation methods used and describe the particular instrument used (30 words maximum for each type of method)
    Skills forecasting
    Both qualitative (retrieved from the individual interviews and consultations with job seekers) and quantitative (forecasting based on the data collected by by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, as well territorial offices) evidence is used to construct alternative scenarios of the future trainings for job seekers.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    Statistical data serves to design such training and re-training programmes the content of which take into account the current most relevant missing skills on the labour market at different regions in Slovakia (territorial offices designing and implementing the programmes).


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National agency
    Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (PES)
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    Regional agency
    Territorial Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family offer counseling and training programmes


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    Competency and re-training courses help to address the mismatch between labour market needs and job seeker’s skills. The initiative fosters the employability of the target groups, thus helping to overcome the socio-economic disadvantages caused by unemployment (e.g. poverty, social exclusion, discrimination, etc.).
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    An evaluation that would identify the barriers was not performed. Several factors could have contributed to setbacks in the implementation, among them e.g. delays in receiving funding, which might have deterred labour offices to use the tool more extensively. The other factors that can lower the impact are: differences in skill assessment mechanisms, as well as social groups with no or low interest in further training.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    Regular monitoring reports are undertaken by the responsible ministry which contains the following set of indicators: unemployed participants who finish intervention; unemployed participants who were offered a job/other education/apprenticeship preparation/internship; participants who are employed 6 months after finishing the training.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    Since the launch of the project, more than 15,000 jobseekers (8% of all jobseekers) have been trained, of which 15% were low skilled (REPAS+). According to the data available, the KOMPAS+ measure has trained 2,247 jobseekers (1% of all jobseekers), of which 37.5% were low skilled, since 2018 (OECD 2020).
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    This initiative and especially its measures (REPAS+ and KOMPAS+) were re-launched in 2018 as a policy response to the European Commission’s recommendations on Upskilling Pathways (The Council of the European Union, 2016). The programme's continuation depends on the availability of ESF funding.
  • Description

    Focus area
    The instrument aims to address skill mismatch in the economy. The initiative implements statistical models as tools for systematic monitoring of labour market needs, developments in skills mismatch, and skills supply/demand ratios at regional level, as well as with respect to graduates. it sevres better understanding the developments in skills mismatch and disparities between the demand and supply of the labour market at a regional level by using statistical models to monitor the specific characteristics in the Slovak labour market.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    Forecasting is based on extensive micro-data collection and subsequent analysis of labour market demand, supply and mismatch at the level of regions, occupations and for young graduates. The analysis results in a document, which entails detailed information about expected development of occupations within sectors and regions. This output, for example, informs preparation of lists of fields of study in under/oversupply, which are used by regions to govern the structure of secondary VET.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    Active Labour Market Policies
    How it is funded?
    Funded by the EU

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    The instrument maps labour market demand and supply, and measures the degree of matching in order to inform policy decisions within the government (at the national and regional level).
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for helping match skills of young graduates to market demand.
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for up- or reskilling adults already employed.
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for up- or reskilling adults currently not in employment.
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for supporting career transitions.
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for addressing sectoral or occupational skill shortages.
    The mapping of labour market demand and supply, and skills mismatch may serve as baseline data for addressing skills mismatches for broader segments of the population, based on the decision of the ministry.


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Forecasting is based on extensive micro-data collection and subsequent analysis of labour market demand, supply and mismatch at the level of regions, occupations and for young graduates. The analysis results in a document, which entails detailed information about expected development of occupations within sectors and regions. This output, for example, informs preparation of lists of fields of study in under/oversupply, which are used by regions to govern the structure of secondary VET.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    Forecasting is based on extensive micro-data collection and subsequent analysis of labour market demand, supply and mismatch at the level of regions, occupations and for young graduates.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Social partner: trade union
    Trexima private company undertaking data collection and analysis (procured)


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The interest of stakeholders in direct need of the project outcome
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    Mistrust or lack of general awareness of the project's functions. Methodology has not been widely discussed with the wider expert base, e.g. academics in the field. Low capacity of some stakeholders (e.g. regions) hampers full use of the instrument.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    Indicators defined within the project are set-up at the level of the number of outputs (i.e. analyses/reports) produced. These have been formally fulfilled. Quality or impact in terms of use of forecasting results is not mapped.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    Prognoses are prepared on an annual basis.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    The estimated level of impact of the instrument is so far moderate. Some results are directly used for policy-making (e.g. regulation of IVET), but other aspects of analysis are at the moment less promoted (e.g. attractiveness of tertiary fields of study). The analytical outputs serve as partial input into various processes in the skill governance, such as the preparation of the lists of fields of study in an under/oversupply. For full impact, increased capacity of the involved actors and stakeholders as "end-users" to work critically with relatively complex data might be needed.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    The iniative ended at the end of February 2021. The continuation of the programme in some form is guaranteed with high probability since forecasting of development of labour market needs remains within the core activities of the Ministry.
  • Description

    Focus area
    The NPDE, approved by the Government on 27 June 2018, introduces a 10-year implementation plan. Its three main cross-cutting priorities are: (1) development of lifelong learning, (2) integration of persons from marginalized Roma communities into society, and (3) compliance of the educational process with the requirements of the labour market. The purpose of the NPDE is to provide a long-term concept of the content of education, as well as further education with the aim of personal development and acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills necessary for successful employment of graduates.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    The purpose of the NPDE is to provide a long-term concept of the content of education (incl. further education, informal education, personal development) covering the long-term objectives and goals of the Slovak Republic in a 10-year perspective. It is based on the forecasts and analysis developed mainly by the Institute of information and Forecasts on Education, Value for Money Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic and Institute of Education Policy.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by national government

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    NPDE tries to address all the potential causes for skills mismatches by focusing on aligning the education offers and labour market needs.
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    Assessing the most relevant skills and competences used in the labour market in order to better target the curricula of continuing education to labour market demands.
    Preparation of conditions for the national system of recognition of results of non-formal education and informal learning through a new System of Verification of Qualifications.


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Skills foresight
    Exploratory foresight through expert panels and scenario-building to better define the fields of education for which training programmes of post-secondary specialization and higher professional study will be created.
    Expert panels
    Expert panels for regional education, higher education and science were created. A special standing group of foreign experts was created to support the 7 selected Slovak experts, among whom the authors of the document "Learning Slovakia" were consulted.
    Skill audits
    Assessing the skills needed for the 21st century to align continuing education curricula with labour market needs.
    Graduate tracing
    Establishment of a harmonized system of mapping the future employment of graduates from the ministry level.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    NPDE aims to develop a new national system of recognition of results of non-formal education and informal learning that will enable the elaboration of a qualification framework of competences harmonised at national level.
    NPDE aims to develop a new national system of recognition of results of non-formal education and informal learning that will enable the design of new standards and accreditation in the field of higher education, promoting student-oriented education, active involvement of stakeholders in curriculum development, planning, monitoring and evaluation.
    The collected and analysed data on skills needs and other labour market demands will support the work of counsellors newly introduced at district and regional levels.
    Students will be able to make a more informed choice on their career through the professional support of counsellors supported by better information on labour market needs and available educational offers.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National ministry
    Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National ministry
    Other ministries: Ministry of Finance - responsible for preparing financial prognosis and assessing the financial impact of the measures introduced; Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family - bringing together the stakeholders for labour market and education policies in participatory approaches
    Regional ministry
    Regional and district administration bodies responsible for education - implementing measures at regional and district level
    National agency
    Advisory bodies at national level for the ministry in setting up new measures: Methodology and Pedagogy Centre; National Institute for Education; Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information; IUVENTA - Slovak Youth Institute, other state administration bodies
    Social partner: employer organisation
    Professional organizations in the field of education and science - partners in consultation process for setting up new measures
    Social partner: trade union
    Trade Union of Workers in Education and Science of Slovakia - partner in consultation process for setting up new measures
    Training Providers
    Training providers at regional and district level involved in providing the training programmes developed within NPDE
    Research centres, universities
    Public consultation with the most relevant higher education and academic institutions on the potential causes of skills mismatches and future scenarios of labour market structure (new types of educational programmes)
    General public - public discussions about educational offers and labour market needs


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The NPDE is based on a professional and public debate in which the broadest possible social agreement should be reached. The success factor relates to ensuring the highest possible involvement of all stakeholders in the development process of new measures aimed at providing equal opportunities and incentives to develop relevant labour market skills in the lifelong learning process.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    Given the long-term nature of the NPDE, the main barrier is that the initiative should have a continous strategy, financial framework and implementation of measures beyond the general political framework cycle (until 2027). The main risk in implementation of concrete measures is related to the uncertainty of the financing system.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    The NPDE is a rolling document that is regularly revised in two-year cycles and supplemented as necessary depending on its state of implementation.The programme and its measures is monitored regularly accroding to the given Implementation Plan divided into five two-year action plans.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    But the NPDE counts with the updates, specially in relation to the continous monitoring of labour market needs
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    Several reform steps were already taken in 2017 and 2018 under the "zero" action plan, such as the gradual reduction of the share of pupils admitted to 8-year grammar schools; increasing the normative financing for schools with the language of instruction of national minorities by approx. 5 percentage points; increase of funding for teaching assistants; measures aimed at diversifying and supporting the dual education system providers; change of the methodology for determining performance plans for secondary schools; change in the methodology of performance planning for 8-year grammar schools.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    Given the long-term nature of NPDE, its development was based upon a broad participatory consultation process and expert input, which ensures that its strategy, objectives and measures are not modified along changing political agendas and bureaucratic procedures – main issue is financial sustainability, which was guaranteed until now by all central administrations.
  • Description

    Focus area
    The main goal of this initiative is the widespread implementation of the dual education system in all suitable teaching and study fields, deepening the employer - high school - student relationship within the dual education system, creating a unified information environment for the dual education system and electronic implementation processes, increasing attractiveness and quality of VET, as well as training of instructors, tutors and teachers to perform these tasks.
    Implementation level
    At what level is the initiative implemented?
    Starting period
    TIMESPAN: In what year did the initiative commence?
    01/2016 – 09/2021, the funding has been extended due to the COVID-19 situation.
    PERSPECTIVE: is the initiative based on evidence derived from skill forecasts or foresight activities?
    One of the main activities is data analysis and verification of the actual labour market needs and the usage of such data for establishing attractive teaching and study fields. The aim is to achieve the closest possible connection of VET with the needs of the labour market and the requirements of employers by updating the map of material and territorial scope of employers, developing solutions and ways to transfer labour market requirements to the dual education system as a basis for restructuring the system of teaching and study fields.
    Policy area
    To which POLICY AREAS(s) does the initiative apply?
    How it is funded?
    Funded by the EU

    Skill mismatch

    Skill mismatch target
    What type(s) of skills MISMATCH does the initiative aim to addresses?
    Skill shortages (employers cannot fill their vacancies due to a lack of skills in the labour market)
    Skills matching focus
    How does  the initiative address skills mismatches?
    The data gathered and analysed supports the elaboration of VET offers tailor-made to the skills needed for young graduates at today's labour market.
    The initiative foresees the (re-)training of instructors, tutors and teachers to be able to better provide career counseling or of graduates.
    The VET offers contribute to decrease skills shortages of graduates in key sectors of the labour market identified.
    Skills delivered
    What types of skill  does the initiative deliver?
    The initiative on dual education and increasing the attractiveness and quality of VET aims to deliver the relevant skills needed for having (better) employment opportunities of graduates, which can involve basic skills, job search and career management skills; on the other hand, it foresees the (re-)training of tutors, instructors and teachers which can involve the transfer of knowledge on more advanced skills, e.g teaching practices or practical skills on vocational education.
    Basic literacy and numeracy skills
    Basic digital skills
    More advanced digital skills
    General employability skills (team working, communication, etc.)
    Career management skills


    What methods of undertaking skills assessments and / or skills anticipation does the policy instrument utilise?
    Employer surveys
    Annual feedback from employers on implementation of the dual education initiative which reflects the needs and requirements of employers concerning the improvement of the system (content-wise, graduate motivate, legislative amendments, new ways of cooperation).
    Expert panels
    National expert group and 8 regional expert groups (statistical, analytical, labour market experts) providing advices to the Ministry on the implementation and evaluation of dual education system.
    Use of skills intelligence
    How is labour market information / skills intelligence used within the initiative?
    State education programmes were renewed, new sample curricula were prepared in order to include skills and knowledge required for the successful uptake of dual education.
    The initiative focuses on strengthening the career guidance to create greater awareness and support for students' career development choices. Conceptual, methodological and coordination guidance of the career counsellors is part of the initative.
    By providing conceptual, methodological and coordination guidance to career counsellors, graduates will be able to get a more tailor-made advice and information on employment choices, resulting in more informed decisions of graduates on career paths.
    Information from employer surveys and expert panels are used to verify labour market needs and transform them to training offers aligned with actual requirements of occupations. Data collection and analysis ultimately serves to create a unified information environment for the dual education system and electronic implementation processes, contributing to an updated map of material and territorial scope of employers.


    Main responsible body
    Main body or organisation with overall responsibility for the initiative.
    National agency
    State Vocational Education Institute (ŠIOV)
    Other involved organisations
    Which other organisations have a role in the initiative?
    National ministry
    Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport together with Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family are involved in evaluation and monitoring tasks. They are also important partners by promotion of the concrete activities.
    Regional agency
    Dual points - i.e. information and support regional offices for implementation of dual education. Talent centres - currently there is one pilot talent center operating in Nitra region, its aim is to provide information on secondary schools, occupations, the current situation on the labour market and the dual education system.
    Social partner: employer organisation
    The largest employer organisations and confederations in Slovakia are involved in the management of the initiative.
    Social partner: trade union
    Trade unions are involved in the management of the initiative.
    Training Providers
    Training providers are approached in order to formulate contracts for official establishment of certified training centres.


    Success factors
    SUCCESS FACTORS in the implementation
    The elaboration of vocational concept which takes into account the interests of and benefits for all involved stakeholders; the engagement of social partners, especially companies, including local small businesses to participate in VET, the development of appropriate mechanisms of quality assurance; lean administration and transparent processes to minimise bureaucratic procedures.
    BARRIERS in the implementation
    The present pandemic situation and the related complications, as well as the increasing costs had an effect on meeting the project objectives in terms of sustainability. The implementation problems also lie in the decentralised education system since primary schools are run by municipalities, secondary schools are administered by the self-governing regions and universities have their own management - the initiative has to take into account this system and find sustainable solutions for each education level.
    Monitoring and evaluation
    MONITORING and EVALUATION: Is progress measured regularly? What are the indicators used to measure progress of the policy instrument? Have any evaluations been conducted?
    The project is regularly monitored and evaluated by ŠIOV. The list of outputs is presented at the project webpage, as well as promoted publicly. The concrete indicators include among others the number of dual educated students, number of certified schools and cooperating institutions, employment rate of the dual educated graduates, salaries of dual educated graduates.
    UPDATES: whether there have been any major updates of the initiative since it has been implemented?
    Based on the preliminary project results there is however a need for amending the Act on Dual Education in order to increase the motivation of employers and schools to join, and to introduce other benefits for employers, as well as to remove the current obstacles perceived by employers and schools.
    EVIDENCE ON EFFECTIVENESS: How effective is the policy instrument?
    The estimated level of impact of the instrument is so far moderate. The dual education does not provide the desired results - there is a continous lack of qualified workforce. On the other hand almost 8,500 students are dual-educated in about 200 schools. There is 2,430 certified centres cooperationg with schools on dual education. Thus the transition of dual graduates from school to the labour market is significantly smoother - the employment rate of dual educated graduates was 91% in comparison with 68% employment rate of freshly graduates without dual experience. Greater readiness for the labour market is also reflected in the comparison of average gross monthly wages -after almost two years on the labour market, dual education graduates earn an average of € 1,062, which is up to 17% more than non-dual graduates, whose average salary is € 906.
    SUSTAINABILITY: How sustainable is the policy instrument? Do you expect the instrument to continue over the next few years and why?
    The original initiative was extended in duration and it is still ongoing. The support of the quality system of dual education remains a government priority embedded in the strategic objectives of two ministries (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour) and therefore the initiative will continue with high probability in the current programming period.