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One of the main merits of the ambitious Lisbon agenda of 2000 is it put education and vocational education and training (VET) at the centre of Europe’s economic growth and employment policies.

The Education and training 2010 work programme was adopted in 2002 to bring forward implementation of agreed objectives which, in VET, came under the Copenhagen process. Quality assurance in VET became one of the three main activities to focus on in full parity of esteem with credit transfer in VET and development of a single framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences.

The present publication gives a short but comprehensive presentation of the work done on quality assurance in VET, thus fulfilling some relevant objectives of the Copenhagen process.


Multilingual publication - DE/EN/FR

Publication details

Publication number
Publication year
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Publication type


Principes fondamentaux d’un cadre commun pour l’assurance de la qualité (CCAQ) dans l’EFP en Europe

FR 676.1 KB

Grundlagen eines "Gemeinsamen Bezugsrahmens für die Qualitätssicherung" für die berufliche Bildung in Europa

DE 676.1 KB

Fundamentals of a common quality assurance framework (CQAF) for VET in Europe

EN 676.1 KB