Continuing vocational training is an important means of helping workers to acquire new or better skills. It is central to the Copenhagen process and related European VET policy.

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Data source: CVTS3, Eurostat.   Note: provisional data

This indicator describes participants in CVT courses in 2005 as a share of the total number of employees in all enterprises. This therefore gives a good indication of the level of participation in a country overall. It might also be complemented by indicators that look at (i) participation as a proportion of employees in only those firms that organised CVT courses or (ii) other forms of CVT.

Key trends

  • There is a large variation across the European Union with respect to participation in CVT courses, ranging from 59% in the Czech Republic to 14% in Greece (the EU27 average is 33%).
  • Men are slightly more likely to participate in training courses, with 34% compared to 31% of women employees in the EU27, a trend that is evident in 17 of the 27 countries for which data are available.
  • The highest variation exists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where men are significantly more likely to follow training courses than women (11 percentage points higher) and in Slovenia and Denmark where a significantly higher proportion of women follow CVT courses than men.

The data come from Eurostats third Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS3) and are subject to its methodology.